大赛名称:第五届瑞士卢塞恩weltformat海报节国际学生竞赛 主题:“视觉SCANDAL” 冠军奖金1500瑞士法郎 网络提交截止2015.8.15
SCANDAL International Student Poster Competition This year, for the
fifth year running, the poster festival Weltformat is organising a student
international poster competition.Twenty posters will be shortlisted and unveiled
at a special outdoor exhibition at the festival in Lucerne in October. At the
opening of the festival, the winning poster will be awarded a prize of 1,500 CHF
by APG|SGA(Switzerland’s leading Out of Home advertising company). In addition,
500 copies of the winning poster design will be printed and displayed throughout
Switzerland after the festival, courtesy of APG|SGA.
THEME: VISUAL SCANDAL Posters should pack a punch. But what is the best
way of doing this? Can this only be achieved through crass and vulgar
means?Based on the quote from Raymond Savignac “L’affiche est un scandale
visuel” (The poster is a visual scandal), different ways of attracting attention
should be explored. For the competition, we are looking for visual statements,
which can stand their ground on the street.
SUBMISSION The twenty shortlisted posters will be printed in F4 format
(895 × 1280mm); however, for the purposes of judging, entries must only
be saved as JPEGs with 150 dpi, ISO A3 (297 × 420 mm) and not exceed 3 MBs. A
maximum of three entries per person may be submitted.The designs can be uploaded
at the following address before 15th August 2015: www.weltform.at
OTHER PROCEDURES After the closing date, a jury will evaluate and
shortlist the twenty designs. The jury retains the right to disqualify work
which has already been published as well as plagiarised material. The chosen
pieces will be unveiled at the outdoor exhibition in front of the Lucerne
Theatre from the 26th September until the 4th October 2015. The winning poster
design will be announced at the opening ceremony.
JURY The jury is made up of four poster designers,as well as a
representative of APG|SGA: Claude Kuhn, Kehrsatz Paula Troxler,
Zurich Daniel Peter, Lucerne Nina Wagner, Berne Bruno Niederberger,
APG|SGA 官网:http://weltform.at/ 媒体支持:http://www.52jingsai.com
中文详情: 今年将会举办第五届瑞士卢塞恩weltformat海报节国际学生竞赛。20幅入围海报作品将会在十月的卢塞恩海报节上正式公布,其中获奖作品的作者将会获得由APG|SGA(瑞士顶尖的户外广告公司)提供的1500瑞士法郎的奖金,此外,500幅获奖作品还将在节后由APG|SGA印刷出版发行。 作品要求 海报设计上应有创意性,希望看到你独特的视角 作品需原创,创作上区别于以粗鲁和低俗的方法吸引注意力的方式
作品提交截止日期:2015年8月15日 作品提交网址:http://weltform.at/ 作品提交要求 20幅入围作品应在F4的格式(895 × 1280mm)上印刷,作品应以JEPG格式、 150dpi的分辨率、ISO A3(297×420毫米)保存,每幅作品大小不超过3M,每人Z多提交三幅作品。 其他事项 作品提交截止后,评审团将会评选出20幅入围作品。在此期间,评审团有权利取消因抄袭等其他原因造成的非原创作品的参赛资格,9月26日到10月4日间,入围作品将在卢塞恩剧院前的户外展会上展出,获奖作品Z终将会在海报节开幕式上正式揭晓。 评审团 由三名海报设计大师和一名 APG|SGA代表组成 Claude Kuhn, Kehrsatz Paula Troxler, Zurich Daniel Peter, Lucerne Nina Wagner, Berne Bruno Niederberger, APG|SGA